Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can't We Have Intense, Political Debate Anymore?

It seems as if the era of being able to have intense, but
civilized political debate is another thing going by the wayside
with the Obama administration. All over the nation, people are
coming out in droves on both sides of the issue to make their
feelings known on Mr. Obama's train wreck known as health care
reform. This is one of our first amendment rights, which many
have fought and died to protect. That is, we the people have a
right of freedom of speech and the right to disagree with our

That is, it seems, we had that right. What is happening is that
if someone dares to disagree with "The O's" health care reform
agenda, they are deemed a right wing nut job, or part of a mob.
Supporters are being told, oh, it's just a small, but vocal
minority who want to protect the status quo in health care
because they benefit from it. Or, these people want to do
political damage to the Obama administration.

I'd be outraged at the shouting down of people trying to answer
questions about health care reform, if it wasn't something
liberals have been doing for years. Liberals cannot stand being
forced to answer tough questions. That's why they despise Fox
News. Fox doesn't let them rant, shout, interrupt, etc. Fox
people ask them tough questions which they have to answer.

And where, hello, is the media on this? If it were a Republican
administration saying what groups like the Democratic National
Committee are saying about health care reform opponents, we'd
hear all the stuff about, how terrible it is. The double
standard is alive and well.

I posted in this blog several weeks ago what I would like to see
in health care reform. That is not defending the status quo.
Does the radical left think those who disagree with President
Obama on this issue don't have families living in their districts
who are struggling with health care costs? If so, they are

Americans have a right to state their opinions on something,
health care, which affects 1/6 of our nation's economy without
fear of name cabling, intimidation, etc. U's long past time for
liberals to face reality, realize not everyone is on board with
"The One," and work for health care reform which truly benefits
all Americans. If they think a public option is so great, then I
challenge each democrat in Congress who supports it to say, hey,
not only do I support Government run health care, but I'm going
to enroll myself and my family in it when it's passed. Anyone
care to bet me on how many will actually take that challenge?

I hope folks on all sides of the health care debate will take
several deep breaths and return the discussion to a more
civilized tone. The founders of our nation fought and died for
Government of the People, by the People, for the P. That means
all of the People, not just the radicals on either side of the
political spectrum. No one who has to deal with the paperwork
and complexities of health insurance can defend the status quo.
We hear there are some 47 million Americans without health
insurance. Those who want insurance should be able to get it.
Health care decisions should be returned to between doctors and

Congress is at home on recess. Let's all as citizens of the
greatest nation on earth take the time to make our voices heard
before our representatives, regardless what our position is.
Let's pray that when Congress returns to work in September, they
will have heard from the citizenry and craft sensible, bipartison
health care reforms.

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