Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day and Politics

Today is Labor Day, a day we honor the American worker, and thank them for
what they do.

First and foremost, I want to thank those who cannot take today off to be
with their families, or go out and have fun like I can. From the military
men and women fighting for our freedom in various parts of the world, to the
police, fire and other emergency personnel working today, to the employees
of stores and restaurants, again, thank you.

Today, as part of our enjoyment of the holiday, my wife and I will be going
to a baseball game. We thank the paratransit and taxi drivers, train
conductors, ball park personnel and the players and coaches themselves who
will be working on this day so we can enjoy this activity.

Labor Day is also the day when I think of those who are out of work. My
best to them, and I encourage you to continue to look for work, as
frustrating as that can be. We need to find ways to bring more jobs back to
this country. We also need to do more to help workers improve their skills
so they can take advantage of the jobs of the future.

This leads to my last point, what our current administration is not doing to
help put America back to work. With the out of control spending, potential
for higher taxes, and increased regulations, private sector businesses which
create jobs in this country feel a huge sense of uncertainty. When you have
uncertainty, businesses aren't going to hire people. Government doesn't
create jobs, private sector businesses do. The best things that Government
can do, and which the socialists in Washington won't do is to cut taxes,
reduce regulation, then get out of the way and let the jobs get created.

So on this Labor Day, I salute all American workers, especially those who
are away from their families working today. I also hope that our Government
will realize that the private sector creates jobs, businesses hate
uncertainty and they need to reduce taxes and regulation, which will lead to
job creation.

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