Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm Still Proud to Be An American, But Is This the America I Know and Love?

It is utterly amazing that I would be sitting here, a mere four months after
a new President has taken power and wondering about my country, the United
States of America. But, here I sit.

I fear that our country is turning into something that I neither recognize
nor want. Our President, Barack Obama (or should he be called King or
Dictator) has made us far less safe than we were before he took office.
Taking actions such as ordering the closure of Guantonimo without a plan for
where the very dangerous people housed there would go, and all but blaming
our honorable military men and women for a misscle strike in Pakistan are
shameful. I don't want these dangerous people from Guantonimo living in my
neighborhood or community, no American should want that. PresidentObama
made the decision on Guantomino's closure simply to keep a campaign promise.
He has not studied how the information we have gained from prisoners there
has kept us safe as I believe it has.

There was, supposedly, a terrible misle strike in Pakistan that killed
several civilians. Is that really what happened? Could it have been the
Tallaban playing propaganda games with the anti-war zealots in America? I
think these are real possibilities. However, to hear Secretary of State
Clinton talk, what happened must be investigated. She did not even hint at
a presumption of innocence for our military fighters who were doing their
jobs. War is a dirty business, liberals don't seem to understand that.

But here at home, things are going in directions I do not like. The
proposed bale outs of Krysler and G. M. are nothing more than wet, sloppy
kisses to the Auto Workers Unions as Obama and his henchmen run rough shot
over the bankrupsy laws. Bond holders in companies like Krysler and G. M.
have certain legal rights. Yet, the Obama Administration is threatening
that if they don't go along there will be consequences. I thought when you
came in, Mr. Obama, there was going to be a new level of civility. We see
you are just another politician.

I use credit cards, I pay off the balances. Yet, Obama and his cronies say
the credit card industry is evil and must be more tightly regulated. No,
people need to be taught how to take responsibility and stay out of debt. I
am proud of the strong credit rating I have and will do everything I can to
maintain it. While I realize circumstances such as a job loss can affect
someone's ability to pay, that isn't the fault of the credit card industry.
Yet, "the one," Mr. Obama thinks it is.

I fear we are turning into a socialist, liberal Euorpean country. Maybe
some think we are already there. With four months gone, the damage is
severe. What will happen in four years? I'm afraid to ask.

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