Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What I Didn't Vote For in November of 2008

Not only did I not vote for President Obama (One Big Almighty
Mistake America), in November of 2008, along with that, here are
the many other things I didn't vote for.
1. I didn't vote for a country which is far less safe than it
was before January 20 of 2009. This administration has done
nothing to address the threats we face in the world except make
worthless condemnations. North Korea, which has NUCLEAR WEAPONS,
is laughing at us. They know this administration won't respond
aggressively and they show that by continuing to test nuclear
weapons and missals. God help us.

2. I didn't vote for abandoning of enhanced interrogation
techniques used on terror suspects so we can take this holier
than though stand against torture. This is because I know we've
gotten information from using these on dangerous people which has
kept us safe. There has not been a terrorist attack on our
nation since 9-11. How much longer will we be able to say that?
The people we have interrogated are animals, not deserving of any
rights whatsoever. If they know of a plot which could harm us,
we have to do whatever it takes to get that information. If that
means water boarding, so be it. If it means food or sleep
deprivation, so be it. Yet this administration has chosen to
abandon these techniques, figuring, if we talk nicy nicy to the
terrorists, they'll tell us what we need to know. Bull shit.

3. I did not vote for closing Guantanamo without a plan for
where the people there, many of whom are very dangerous and want
us dead, would go. I do not want them in any U.S. prison. It
is a given fact that once released, many of these detainees go
back to the battle field as it were and launch terrorist attacks
against our interests.

4. I did not vote for government owned automobile companies. If
I wanted to own part of General Motors, oops, I mean Government
Motors or Krysler, I'd have bought stock in them. Same goes for
the banks and other institutions we've poured billions in tax
money into. Think how many people we could provide health
insurance too, how many children we could help educate, or how
much infrastructure we could rebuild with all that money. I also
didn't vote for the end result of this, Government control of
American business through nationalization. American businesses
compete in a global market. They need the flexibility to do
that, not the rigid guidelines put in place by bureaucrats who
never had to run a business, meet a payroll, fire an employee,

5. I didn't vote for health care policies which deem certain p
too EXPENSIVE to treat. Talk about cruel! Yet why should we be
surprised, liberals don't value life. The Government has not a
clue how to run health insurance, but god help us, they're going
to try. At what price?

I did not vote for all these things and more, because I wasn't
suckered in by the hype and false promises to vote for an empty
suit in the White House. I fear for our great nation that a
majority of Americans were stupid enough to do so. God, help us
to keep our nation strong until the day this joker and all who
serve with him are kicked out of office. On Memorial Day, we
honored those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us
free. If these brave men and women could speak today, I strongly
believe they would be saying loudly, this is not the country I
fought for. America, wake up! We are fast becoming a European
bastian of liberalism, ripe for terrorist attacks. Our best hope
is, in 2010, to have Republicans swept into power in Congress so
we can grid lock the process until we can get the President out
in 2012. Can we wait that long? Probably not, but we'll have

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