published by Harper Collins. This book is available on
This is an autobiographical story of Palen's life from growing up in Alaska
to her getting into local politics to her ascention to the Governor's office
in Alaska and her campaign with Republican Presidential Candidate John
McCainfor Vice President.
Palen comes across as one of the most down to earth, honest people one would
ever want to meet. She's a dedicated family woman and strong in her
religious faith. She grew up playing basketball, enduring the pain of a
sprained ankle to play in the state championship game during her Senior
year. That should tell you she's tough.
Very early on, she found her political calling to change things with a
fiscally conservative plan. Her family and husband Todd were hard working,
blue collar people. The book teaches the reader a lot about the Alaskan
lifestyle. To say things are different in Alaska and how the people there
live life is an understatement. People in the lower 48 states don't often
appreciate this. For example, many Alaskans depend on the land and water,
and activities such as hunting and fishing for their livelihoods. Don't
talk to them about banning guns or things like that. You learn how large
Alaska really is, 1/5 of the entire land mass of the United States.
Palen discusses her ascention from city council to Mayor to Governor.
Through it all, her family plays an essential role. She discusses agonizing
over how she would handle caring for her fifth child, Trig, who was born
with Down Syndrome. At no point did she consider abortion.
She takes the reader through the entire campaign for Vice President,
pointing out how mismanaged it was and how, increasingly, campaign staffers
distrusted her and considered her to be "Going Rogue." She discusses the
relentless ethics charges, lawsuits and media attacks that came down on her
after the campaign was over, leading her to resign from office.
Regardless of one's political persuasion, "Going Rogue, An American Life" is
worth reading. It left this reader with a much different and more favorable
impression of Ms. Palen. She's someone that I as an ordinary American who
doesn't walk around thinking I'm better than anyone else can relate too.
Would I vote for her if she ran for President? I don't know. But someone
who's dedicated to family and who did not come from a life of privilege
ought to be able to offer some strong, traditional American values
regardless of where she serves.
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