Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Promises of Change and Transparency Replaced by Arrogance and Partisonship, A.K.A., Chicago Style Politics

In November of 2008, now President Obama promised Americans hope and change.
He promised more transparency in Government. He told us that no longer
would the special interests rule in Washington.

Lies, all lies. You want evidence, I've got evidence. Last Spring,
Congress passed a so-called Federal Stimulus bill that most of those who
voted on it didn't take the time to read. This bill was rammed through
without the promised 48 hours for people to review it. It only got three
Republican votes, and these are Republicans known to be liberal. In fact,
one has switched to the Democratic party, good riddance.

Health Care Reform, or what I call deform is the biggest example to date of
the lies. Last week, President Obama met with lawmakers to discuss health
care reform. Guess what? Only Democrats were invited to this meeting.
Today, December 15, he wil again meet only with the 60 Democrats in the
United States Senate on this issue.

What ever happened to ushering in a new era of bipartisanship. Just because
many Republicans like me don't agree with what is being rammed down
America's collective throats in terms of Health Care Reform doesn't mean we
don't have ideas for health care change, and in fact, that we don't want
change. What ever happened to the principles on which our beloved nation
was founded, Government of the people, by the people, for the people?

The lies of hope, change and transparency have been replaced by arrogance
and partisanship. So what if only 35% of people want health care reform?
We're the big bad Chicago machine, we know what's best for you and we're
hell bent on getting it through no matter if it bankrupts the country. So
what if there is an overwhelming clamor against bringing known terrorists to
Northwest Illinois? We're in charge, we're going to do it anyway and we
don't give a damn about public safety, so long as a few precious jobs get
created. By the way, you know those jobs will have to go to union workers
and follow minority set asides. More on the prison in another entry.

I hope, pray and will advocate for Congress to kill the Democrats'
orchestrated take-over of our nation's health care system. Let's kill it
and then take several steps back and implement common sense ideas, things
not even being considered right now. Things like torte reform to reduce the
cost of Medical malpractice and defensive medicine. Things like allowing
insurance companies to sell across state lines. Things like providing
meaningful access to prescription drug information so that those who are
visually impaired, for example, will knhow how to properly administer their

We who are Republican, and those represented by Republican Senators have a
right to be heard at the table on an issue that will affect 1/6 of our
nation's Gross Domestic Product. President Obama, Senate Majority Leader
Reed and Senator Durbin, you may not like our ideas, but you can't hide
behind your own special interests and pretend other ideas do not exist.
Stop trying to ram through something that most Americans don't want. Don't
do this kind of damage to our country. If you continue to push forward, you
just may find yourselves out of power after the November, 2010 elections.
Can our country survive that long? May God protect and bless the greatest
nation on earth, the United States of America. And may he bring back a true
spirit of civility and bipartisanship, and send arrogance and partisanship
to hell where they belong.

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