Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama Gets an F in First 100 Days

President Obama gets a big fat F grade from me in his first 100 days. Why
such a harsh grade?

Why not! He is spending our nation into oblivion and creating huge
deficits. He got passed a so-called Economic Stimulus bill that we cannot
afford in difficult economic times. He has proposed a nearly 3.6 trillion
dollar budget. He is turning out to be another tax and spend liberal
politician, which is exactly what many of us who did not vote for him were
afraid he would be. But, the American people didn't listen.

In foreign policy, I feel very strongly that our nation is no where near as
safe as it was before he took office. He has banned the use of advanced
interrigation methods like water boarding, calling it torture. Obama, the
kind of people we used these methods don't care about our feelings. They
won't talk to us. They only understand one thing and that is that the only
good American is a dead American. These people want us wiped off the face
of the earth and if we have to get a little tough to gain information to
protect our great nation, so be it. Obama says we could have gotten the
same information without resorting to so-called harsh techniques. Obama,
have you ever been involved in intelligence work or interrogating someone?
No. Stay out of it and let the professionals who know best how to conduct
interrogations do it.

Afghanistan is becoming a mess, too. Our military men and women are brave
souls and need all of the help and support they can get to do their jobs.
Where are all of the troops Obama promised to send over to Afghanistan?
They aren't there. Since Obama came into office, the Talaban is
re-asserting itself. All that was gained, especially for women in that
country is endanger of being lost thanks to this President.

Pakistan is turning into a mess with a fragile Government to boot. This is
especially scary because they have Nuclear weapons. What are you going to
do, Mr. Obama, to keep these out of the hands of terrorists who want us

Does a day go by when Obama isn't traveling somewhere? How much is he
costing us tax payers for all of his jaunts around the country? President
Bush didn't travel nearly as much and was very affective. Take the plane
away from Obama.

If the first 100 days is any indication, we have a lot to fear in the next
four years.

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