Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Irresponsibility from Illinois Government

Once again, lawmakers and the Governor of Illinois have shown no
guts and shown they are afraid to make the tough decisions we
elected them to make. They have passed a state budget which
relies heavily on borrowing from pension funds so they don't have
to bite the bullet and raise taxes.

Isn't this rampant borrowing one of the many things that former
Governor Rod Blagojevich was kicked out of office for? What a
disservice this is to people who worked hard all their lives for
the state, and are counting on a pension for their retirement
years. How many of these people will either not be able to
retire, or, will have to take another job when they should be
able to enjoy life because of this irresponsibility?

Where are the unions on all of this? Aren't we always told that
unions are representing the workers? They sure aren't doing a
good job of it here. If I were a union leader, I'd be organizing
pickets at the Governor's office, suing the state, and doing
whatever else I had to do to protect the pensions of the hard
working state employees from Illinois. This just goes to show
once again that certain union leadership will throw their workers
and retirees under the bus for the sake of political gain. Nice
representation isn't it?

The worse thing, though, is that pension obligations aren't going
away. Our children will have to pay for the actions of today's
politicians. I have nieces and nephews who are either just
starting out in their working lives, or, going to school to learn
a trade which they will work in for a long time. Interesting how
Democrats always chastise Republicans for saddling our children
and grandchildren with debt, but yet' it's ok for them to do it
so long as they don't have to make tough, perhaps unpopular

I've got a message for Illinois lawmakers. Stop stealing from
state workers and retirees. You were sent to Springfield to
lead, look at what needs to be done and do it regardless of how
popular what you have to do might be. Get serious and pass a
state budget next year which doesn't steal from state workers and
retirees and doesn't saddle future generations with debt that
will have to be paid. If you don't want to do that, find
something else to do with your lives!

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