Saturday, July 4, 2009

Walking in the Florida Humidity for ACB

They say if you want something bad enough, you need to sacrifice
a little to get it. Today was a prime example of that.

I got up very early this morning, around 5:15 a.m. Now normally,
I'd say there ought to be a law against being up that early on a
Saturday morning, but today, I was actually excited to do it. We
got ready and left our hotel room here at the American Council of
the Blind's annual convention, and boarded a bus with
about 40 other people for a short trip to Winter Park, Florida.

After getting to the place where we were dropped off, I was
introduced to a nice gentleman named Doug who would be my guide
for what we were about to do. We were about to walk the first
ever Watermelon 5K walk to benefit ACB.

This is where the second part of the sacrifice comes in. It was
a very humid morning in Florida, as I understand many summer
mornings to be. We started walking with about 4,000 other
people. We walked through the neighborhoods of Winter Park,
being entertained by a couple of bands along the way. By the end
of the first mile, I was soaking wet. But, I wanted to finish
and knew I could, so I pressed on.

Doug was a great guide, mainly because he's like me, an avid
football junky. This gave us something to talk about. As we
were nearing the end of the course, people kept saying, you're
almost there to encourage us to continue. By this time, I didn't
need that encouragement because I was going to finish. As we
approached the finish line, I was high stepping for ACB.

Why would I put myself through such an early rise and battling
the humidity? Because I want ACB to be the best it can be. In
part to make that happen, ACB needs money. We raised a
significant bit of that this morning. Remember what I said about
sacrificing for what you want? I sacrificed for ACB and I would
encourage you all to do the same, for ACB or any other
organization you care about.

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