Friday, October 30, 2009

How Many Must Die Before Obama Makes a Decision?

How many American troops, Afghan civilians and others must die before Obama
stops the stalling and decides to send more troops in? One more is too many
in my opinion.

A month to six weeks ago, the hand-picked commander in Afghanistan who
President Obama put in place, Stanley McCristall, said he needs some 40,000
more troops sent there. During the campaign, Obama said he would listen to
his commanders on the ground in terms of what needs to be done in both
Afghanistan, and Iraq.

Well, I guess that was then and this is the real Obama. He has been having
meeting after meeting, talking about what he should do. Obama, make a
decision why don't you! This waffling by you shows weakness to our enemies.
It will embolden others like Iran and North Korea, and neither of these need
to be emboldened as they both have the potential to set off Nuclear weapons.
This kind of waffling also sends a very bad message to our allies in that
part of the world, that we are weak and may not stand with you as readily as
you wish in times when you are attacked.

Obama, do as your hand picked commander has requested, and send in the
forces he needs. If you don't, the Taliban will take back over in
Afghanistan, and all that has been gained will be lost. This is especially
true for women. They will once again be relegated to the level of being
property, not able to go to school or make something of themselves. Is that
what you want, Obama? If not, then make a decision already, and let's get
the troops in there!

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