Monday, October 26, 2009

If They Can't Handle H1N1, They Sure as Heck Can't Handle Health Care

We have seen one of the biggest fiascos in some time, and guess what? It's
being done by the Government.

I'm talking about the H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program. Everyone -- Government
officials, media, ETC. -- has gotten so worked up over H1N1 that we now have
the Government:
1. Allowing a Vaccine to be administered to hundreds of thousands of
people, perhaps millions, with inconclusive research on how safe it is or if
it even prevents the H1N1.
2. Setting criteria on who can get the Vaccine. This is the scariest part.
I have heard from one person that he has been told he is too old to get the
vaccine. Is that what people will be told if we get nationalized health
care, that you are too old, too disabled, too needy, ETC?

Now, we have our so-called President declaring H1N1 as a national emergency.
Give me a fucking break! Only a thousand people have died from this
disease. This is far less than are killed annually in such things as car

Like any disease, H1N1 does need to be taken seriously. However, with the
proper precautions, we'll survive it without having to take a risky shot.
First, people need to stay home if they are sick. If you don't feel well,
don't go to work or school and subject everyone else to whatever you have,
H1N1 or not. If your boss or teachers won't let you do that, then it's time
to find another job or go to a different school. Second, cover your mouth
when you sneeze or cough. Third, wash your hands often and use hand
sanitizer. Fourth, get plenty of sleep and eat properly.

These kinds of common sense precautions will keep you healthy and you won't
have to take a shot that may do more harm than good.

Tbhis Government fiasco is a precursor to what will happen if we get
nationalized health care. A bunch of underpaid, rude Government bureaucrats
will be making decisions about what health care you get, not you and not
your doctor. They will decide what medicines you can get, even if it may
have adverse affects on you. I have heard from one friend that this
happened to someone she knows in England. No no no to nationalized health
care. I think I'm pretty safe in assuming that my Representative wil vote
no on such a travesty.

So for all who think nationalized health care is a good idea, I say, how can
you watch how the Government is screwing up with the H1N1 vaccine, then say
national health care is still a good idea with a straight face? You can't.

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