Monday, January 11, 2010

Double Standard Alive And Well, And It Makes Me Angry

Well, the double standard is alive and kicking. In the book soon to be
published, "Changing game," reference is made to comments made by U.S.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed of Nevada which were along the lines that
President Obama would have an easier time getting elected because he is a
light skinned African-American and doesn;t speak in Negro Dialect unless he
wants too.

Clearly, these comments were hurtful and offensive. They shouldn't have
been said. Reed has apologized to Obama for making these comments and Obama
has accepted. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is the way the media and others are responding
to this. They seem to be casting it off, saying it's really no big deal.
Even Al Sharpton says he's standing by Senator Reed.

Imagine if Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would have made a similar,
dumb, offensive comment and apologized. Would the reactions be the same?
Absolutely not. There would be calls for McConnell to step down from the
Senate. There would be demonstrations outside of his office. Every talking
head would have something to say about it and it would go on and on forever.

Comments like those of Senator Harry Reed are offensive regardless who says
them. Reed apologized as he should. However, as long as you favor liberal
idiology, you can pretty much say anything you want and a simple apology is
all that is required. If you follow conservative ideology, then reactions
are quite different and it makes me sick. Reed said something he shouldn't
have said. Well, conservative folks make mistakes too and should be treated
the same way when we do.

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