Thursday, January 14, 2010

Unimaginable Tragedy

It is impossible for me to imagine the horror, anguish, and other things
those who are still alive in Haiti are going through as I write this. Many
have family members whose whereabouts they do not know. People hearing
cries for help under the rubble rought by the quake who can do nothing to

Many thoughts are crossing my mind as I think about this tragedy. First and
foremost, my prayers are with those still alive in Haiti, with the rescue
teams working to save people, and with the families of those no longer with
us. This tragedy also demonstrates once again the awesome power Mother
Nature has. Think about it. Just two days ago, the people of Porta Prince
and other parts of Haiti were going about their lives with nothing but their
usual concerns. Then, in a few short seconds, their world was tragically
turned upside down.

Haiti may be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. But neither rich
nor ppoor people deserve to have family members taken from them or have
their own lives snuffed out in an instant like this.

Finally, this tragedy reminds me how precious life is and how we must
cherish every moment we have. It reminds me to take the time and spend it
with those I care most about. Because, we never know when something will
happen to change our world in a significant way, and not necessarily for the

So as we pray for the people of Haiti and those trying to help them, let's
all take a few minutes, call our families and let them know how much we care
about them. Let's make sure those we love know how much we love them. Life
is a precious gift, which God giveth and God can taketh away.

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