Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Year Later, That Hope And Change Has To Go

On the first anniversary of the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, I
will give my grade of his performance. If you are still one of the few
drinking the Obama Cool-aid, don't read on because you won't like this.

My grade, F- (F minus). There are several reasons.

President Obama promised "Hope and change." He promised we'd see more
transparency in Government. We've seen anything but these things. Right
off the bat, President Obama and his cronies in Congress rammed through a
so-called Economic Stimulus bill which was over 1,100 pages in length
without allowing time for reasoned, thoughtful debate. No transparency
there. This bill which will always be known to me as Porkulus Spendulus
hasn't done anything close to what Obama and his supporters claimed it
would. After its passage, unemployment has shot up to over 10%. Taxes have
gone up. There has been no explosion in infrastructure projects as was

President Obama and his liberal cronies continue to ignore over 60% of the
American people and push for radical health care reform which should be more
properly known as Health Care deform. There should be no greater evidence
of how much Americans dislike this legislation than the stunning victory by
Scott Brown in the Massachusetts special election to fill the late Senator
Edward Kenedy's seat. When a Republican can win a seat in the U.S. Senate
in one of the most democratic states in the country, heads turn. Health
care reform and the associated fees and taxes and overburdening regulations
is a big reason why. With Brown's victory, I believe we've seen the death
of Health Care Reform. May it never rise again.

No transparency here either. Obama and his cronies have held closed door
meetings, all but bribing politicians to support this legislation. They
talk bipartisanship, but have not entertained a single idea put forward by
Republicans on health care reform. They accuse Republicans and those who
are against health care reform of being for the status quo. In this
Republican's eyes, nothing could be further from the truth. As I have said
before in this forum, I want sensible reforms like torte reform, making
insurance forms easier to understand and allowing Medicare to negotiate for
lower prescription drug prices. None of these are included. I want to see
better access to prescription drug information and Medicare reimbursement
for vision-related services and equipment. None of these are included.

Another reason for my F- is right in my wallet. At the beginning of Obama's
presidency last January, I was taking home $16.40 more a month than I'm
taking home now. Over a year, this means I'll take home about $200 less
than I did last year. This was money I could spend on the things I wanted.
Obama and his cronies feel they can make better decisions on how to spend my
money than I. The more money individuals and businesses are allowed to
keep, the more they can and will put into the economy by investing in
growing business, purchasing goods and services and ultimately, putting
America back to work. But when you have a guy in the White House who has
never held a real job or had to make a payroll, those concepts are lost upon

Finally, Obama has poured our tax money into businesses that should have
been allowed to fail. When I paid my taxes, I did not pay to own General
Motors which should now be called Government Motors. I did not want to bail
out big banks. Yes, this started under the Bush administration, but Obama
had the power to put a stop to it when he came into office but did not.

For all the reasons I've documented here and more, Obama gets an F- after
his first year. He and his cronies better take notice and move more toward
the center, or else they will see a Republican revolution in 2010 which will
make 1994 look like child's play. Unfortunately, Obama is so invested in
pleasing radical liberals he's incapable of moving to the center where most
Americans are in my opinion.

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